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本文使用Android版本为2.1,采用开发板为华清远见研发的FS_S5PC100 A8开发板


1、 source build/envsetup.sh


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        1. function help()                  # 显示帮助信息
        2. function get_abs_build_var()           # 获取绝对变量
        3. function get_build_var()             # 获取绝对变量
        4. function check_product()             # 检查product
        5. function check_variant()             # 检查变量
        6. function setpaths()                # 设置文件路径
        7. function printconfig()              # 打印配置
        8. function set_stuff_for_environment()       # 设置环境变量
        9. function set_sequence_number()         # 设置序号
        10. function settitle()                # 设置标题
        11. function choosetype()               # 设置type
        12. function chooseproduct()             # 设置product
        13. function choosevariant()             # 设置variant
        14. function tapas()                 # 功能同choosecombo
        15. function choosecombo()              # 设置编译参数
        16. function add_lunch_combo()            # 添加lunch项目
        17. function print_lunch_menu()            # 打印lunch列表
        18. function lunch()                 # 配置lunch
        19. function m()                   # make from top
        20. function findmakefile()              # 查找makefile
        21. function mm()                   # make from current directory
        22. function mmm()                  # make the supplied directories
        23. function croot()                 # 回到根目录
        24. function cproj()
        25. function pid()
        26. function systemstack()
        27. function gdbclient()
        28. function jgrep()                 # 查找java文件
        29. function cgrep()                 # 查找c/cpp文件
        30. function resgrep()
        31. function tracedmdump()
        32. function runhat()
        33. function getbugreports()
        34. function startviewserver()
        35. function stopviewserver()
        36. function isviewserverstarted()
        37. function smoketest()
        38. function runtest()
        39. function godir ()                 # 跳到指定目录
        42. # 这是系统自动增加了一个默认的编译项 generic-eng
        43. # add the default one here
        44. <strong><span style="color:#ff0000;">add_lunch_combo generic-eng</span></strong>
        47. # 下面的代码很重要,它要从vendor目录下查找vendorsetup.sh文件,如果查到了,就加载它
        48. # Execute the contents of any vendorsetup.sh files we can find.
        49. <strong><span style="color:#ff0000;">for f in `/bin/ls vendor/*/vendorsetup.sh vendor/*/build/vendorsetup.sh 2> /dev/null`
        50. do
        51. echo "including $f"
        52. . $f
        53. done</span></strong>

根据上面的内容,可以推测出,如果要想定义自己的产品编译项,简单的办法是直接在envsetup.sh后,添加上add_lunch_combo myProduct-eng,当然这么做,不太符合上面代码后的本意,我们还是老实的在vendor目录下创建自己公司名字,然后在公司目录下创建一个新的vendorsetup.sh,在里面添加上自己的产品编译项。

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        1. #mkdir vendor/farsight/
        2. #touch vendor/farsight/vendorsetup.sh
        3. #echo "add_lunch_combo fs100-eng" > vendor/farsight/vendorsetup.sh

这样,当我们在执行source build/envsetup.sh命令的时候,可以在shell上看到下面的信息:

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        1. including vendor/farsight/vendorsetup.sh
        2. 按照android官网的步骤,开始执行lunch full-eng



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        1. You're building on Linux
        3. generic-eng simulator fs100-eng
        4. Lunch menu... pick a combo:
        5. generic-eng
        6. simulator
        7. fs100-eng



我们一直没有说明前面的fs100-eng是什么意思,现在来说明下,fs100是我定义的产品的名字,eng是产品的编译类型,除了eng外,还有user, userdebug,分别表示:

eng: 工程机,





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        1. function lunch()
        2. {
        3. local answer
        5. if [ "$1" ] ; then
        6. # lunch后面直接带参数
        7. answer=$1
        8. else
        9. # lunch后面不带参数,则打印处所有的target product和variant菜单提供用户选择
        10. print_lunch_menu
        11. echo -n "Which would you like? [generic-eng] "
        12. read answer
        13. fi
        15. local selection=
        17. if [ -z "$answer" ]
        18. then
        19. # 如果用户在菜单中没有选择,直接回车,则为系统缺省的generic-eng
        20. selection=generic-eng
        21. elif [ "$answer" = "simulator" ]
        22. then
        23. # 如果是模拟器
        24. selection=simulator
        25. elif (echo -n $answer | grep -q -e "^[0-9][0-9]*$")
        26. then
        27. # 如果answer是选择菜单的数字,则获取该数字对应的字符串
        28. if [ $answer -le ${#LUNCH_MENU_CHOICES[@]} ]
        29. then
        30. selection=${LUNCH_MENU_CHOICES[$(($answer-$_arrayoffset))]}
        31. fi
        32. # 如果 answer字符串匹配 *-*模式(*的开头不能为-)
        33. elif (echo -n $answer | grep -q -e "^[^\-][^\-]*-[^\-][^\-]*$")
        34. then
        35. selection=$answer
        36. fi
        38. if [ -z "$selection" ]
        39. then
        40. echo
        41. echo "Invalid lunch combo: $answer"
        42. return 1
        43. fi
        45. # special case the simulator
        46. if [ "$selection" = "simulator" ]
        47. then
        48. # 模拟器模式
        49. export TARGET_PRODUCT=sim
        50. export TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT=eng
        51. export TARGET_SIMULATOR=true
        52. export TARGET_BUILD_TYPE=debug
        53. else
        55. # 将 product-variant模式种的product分离出来
        56. local product=$(echo -n $selection | sed -e "s/-.*$//")
        58. # 检查之,调用关系 check_product()->get_build_var()->build/core/config.mk比较罗嗦,不展开了
        59. check_product $product
        60. if [ $? -ne 0 ]
        61. then
        62. echo
        63. echo "** Don't have a product spec for: '$product'"
        64. echo "** Do you have the right repo manifest?"
        65. product=
        66. fi
        68. # 将 product-variant模式种的variant分离出来
        69. local variant=$(echo -n $selection | sed -e "s/^[^\-]*-//")
        71. # 检查之,看看是否在 (user userdebug eng) 范围内
        72. check_variant $variant
        73. if [ $? -ne 0 ]
        74. then
        75. echo
        76. echo "** Invalid variant: '$variant'"
        77. echo "** Must be one of ${VARIANT_CHOICES[@]}"
        78. variant=
        79. fi
        81. if [ -z "$product" -o -z "$variant" ]
        82. then
        83. echo
        84. return 1
        85. fi
        86. <span style="white-space:pre"> </span># 导出环境变量,这儿很重要,因为后面的编译系统都是依赖于这里定义的几个变量的
        87. export TARGET_PRODUCT=$product
        88. export TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT=$variant
        89. export TARGET_SIMULATOR=false
        90. export TARGET_BUILD_TYPE=release
        91. fi # !simulator
        93. echo
        95. # 设置到环境变量,比较多,不再一一列出,简单的方法 set >env.txt 可获得
        96. set_stuff_for_environment
        97. # 打印一些主要的变量, 调用关系 printconfig()->get_build_var()->build/core/config.mk->build/core/envsetup.mk 比较罗嗦,不展开了
        98. printconfig
        99. }


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        1. TARGET_PRODUCT=fs100
        3. TARGET_SIMULATOR=false
        4. TARGET_BUILD_TYPE=release



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